Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Catching Up!

So, this past month has been CRAZY in my own personal life, but also in my photography life as well! Which is awesome, but kind of overwhelming at the same time. Which is why I have been pretty much MIA when it comes to updating the blog, or really posting a whole lot of updates in general. I honestly have barely opened my laptop lately, in relation to my normal work flow. I'm so excited to get caught up and share some of the excitement that has been taking place lately! 

To start out, I visited some family in Tulsa about a month ago, and while I was there I went on an [epic] photo adventure with my two cousins- Bryce and Megan Behrman. We went downtown and just walked around, chasing the sunset and rolling with laughter. It was so much fun to just take photos for the heck of it and get a little practice in a new place. Not to mention I have beautiful family members, which really helps. 

A photo adventure is never complete without at least two selfies, am I right?

Bryce is all about that "Whatever it takes to get the shot" mentality.

We were like, "what are all these dots even for?!"

I love family more than almost anything, so spending this time chillin' with our cameras was so so special to me! Bryce and Meg- thank you so much for taking time out of your schedules to hang out while I was in Tulsa, and then making me laugh non-stop. Y'all are so great and you bless me tremendously! 


p.s. stay tuned for many more posts full of the beautiful people I've been honored to capture lately. It's really been so exciting.